Uddrag fra Bullshit Jobs: Mindfulness
05.05.2023 | antropologi
Igen fra Bullshit Jobs. Denne gang et vidneudsagn om mindfulness og new age-pjat. Altså hvordan man skider i zen:
Irene: On top of the metrics, there were the cruel, patronizing “flexibility” and “mindfulness” seminars. No, you can’t work fewer hours. No, you cant get paid more. No, you cant choose which bullshit projects to decline. But you can sit through this seminar, where the bank tells you how much it values flexibility. The mindfulness seminars were even worse. They attempted to reduce the unfathomable beauty and stupefying sadness of the human experience into the raw physicality of breathing, eating, and shitting. Breathe mindfully. Eat mindfully. Shit mindfully, and you can be successful in business.
Jeg kan huske KU prøvede noget af det samme - nok for at reducere antallet af årlige selvmord. Så i stedet for at forholde sig til livets ufattelige skønhed og bedrøvende tristhed skal man lave vejrtrækningsøvelser, lære at spise ordentligt for ikke at tale om at skide ordentligt. KU burde nok have lavet digte- og musikkurser i stedet. Og filmklubber.