Bukowskis digt 2 p.m. beer

30.01.2024 | digte

Det her digt af Bukowski fra samlinge Burning in Water Drowning in Flame med titlen 2 p.m. beer:

nothing matters but flopping on a mattress with cheap dreams and a beer as the leaves die and the horses die and the landladies stare in the halls; brisk the music of pulled shades, a last man’s cave in an eternity of swarm and explosion; nothing but the dripping sink, the empty bottle, euphoria, youth fenced in, stabbed and shaven, taught words propped up to die.

Det er perfekt. En eller anden alkoholisk undergangsstemning blandet med ungdom i fængsel. Eller hvad det er. Direkte, men alligevel mystisk. Eller hvad man siger. Liked!

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